Friday, October 11, 2013

Crafty Mom:: diy table tray

A trip to the thrift store today sparked an unexpected diy project: a new table tray! 

What you'll need: 
•scissors (yes, mine are covered in rhinestones. Hobby Lobby. And they actually have wonderful blades- I use them for everything including fabric.)
•tape (not pictured, but my tape dispenser is also covered in rhinestones. Just thought I needed to mention that.)
•decorative paper (I used paper from a scrap book pad I bought at Walmart- I got it a million years ago and it has gone a long way! I've used it for tons of projects and I still have paper left, I highly recommend getting one. But you can also use wrapping paper, a cut up gift bag or even a cut up magazine. Anything with an image you like will work)
•a frame (mine is from the thrift store and it was over priced- $2)

Cut my paper into smaller squares and taped them to the paper insert that came with the frame. I started from the middle and worked my way out to keep the spacing even, although honestly, you'll be putting things on it anyway so it doesn't really matter. 
Put the frame back together. That's it! Your done! Nice. 

Just a quick note about the above picture. The table is a piece of my husband's old furniture that had sentimental value to him. We painted it white and bought new hardware from hobby lobby. You can get hardware from a lot of places, but I like hobby lobby's selection that best. They are unique and artistic, the one above is a beautiful navy blue flower. The lamp is thrifted and updated with a shade from target. The chair is from Craig's list. The mirror behind it is thrifted painted with crackle. All I'm saying is a little diy goes a long way!! Have fun!

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