Sunday, October 6, 2013

Catholic Mom:: phone fast

happy sunday! go bears!

in honor of the Lord's day id like to dedicate sunday's blogs to all things catholic! yay!

here's something new I just started:

if your unable to fast on fridays for one reason or another like me (I'm currently nursing and although I'm sure I could get away with it, it still makes me nervous) or if your just looking for something a little extra to offer up here's a cool idea: the phone fast! well, at least for me, it is really more of an app fast. if you have a smart phone than I'm sure you are familiar with the endless temptations packed into these little devices! (I'm writing this blog on my iphone right now in fact!) there is literally an app for everything, the browser provides an answer to any inquiry, the games are addicting, and let's not even begin to address the time-sucking black hole that is Facebook. 
with this in mind, last friday I committed to an app fast. my phone is still a tool that I can't really live entirely without, so I allowed myself to make calls and send a few texts as long as they were for a purpose and not just senseless chit chat. I cut out all games, social media, photography apps like instagram and afterlight, and even surfing the web. i must say it was not easy! you really don't realize how often you reach for the phone until it's off limits! 
don't have a smart phone? or don't use your smart phone as obsessively as I do? maybe you jump on the computer instead? give it up! maybe you can't stand to drive without listening to the radio? offer it up! technology of any kind is often a luxury we can live without. I encourage you to fast on friday, every friday to keep us closer to The Lord and seperated from comforts of this world. 

also, I was trying to find a way to post videos of my artwork here but I couldn't figure it out. if there is a way, please, let me know! if not I will just stick with pics for now. 

have a very blessed sunday!

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